2021-01-13 00:00:00 | America/New_York

Kin Chung Fong Raytheon BBN Technologies

Graphene-based single-photon detector for quantum information science and astrophysics

High sensitivity photon detectors are essential in qubit measurement and remote entanglement, as well as dark matter detection and observing the cosmic infrared background in astrophysics. However, sensing in microwave and far-infrared spectrum is challenging because of the low photon energy. In this talk, we will present how to leverage the giant thermal response of graphene electrons for photon detection. Interestingly, when our graphene bolometer achieves a record-high sensitivity of 10-19 W/Hz1/2, this sensitivity is limited, no longer by extrinsic factors but, by the statistical thermal fluctuation intrinsic to the graphene electrons as a canonical ensemble at 0.2 K [1]. Using the graphene-based Josephson junction, we demonstrate the single-photon detection in the infrared regime by observing the photon shot noise [2]. As an outlook, we will discuss how the unique properties of two-dimensional materials will open new opportunities in quantum information science. [1] Nature 586, 42 (2020) [2] arXiv:2011.02624.

Speaker's Bio

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Dr. Kin Chung Fong came to the United States to pursue his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Chris Hammel at Ohio State University. This is where KC develops his passion on high sensitivity experiments to observe new physical phenomena that cannot be otherwise measured. These include detecting a single electron spin magnetic resonance for nanoscale MRI, measuring superconducting qubits with quantum-limit amplifications, and detecting Dirac fluid in graphene. After his postdoc at Caltech, KC joined BBN Technologies in 2013. His research now focuses on studying the fundamental physics of strongly interacting Dirac and Weyl fermions in condensed matter systems with their connections to holographic principle, and developing the Josephson junction single photon detector for quantum information science, radioastronomy, and the search of dark matter axions. KC loves spending time outdoor with his family during weekends and learning new things from friends and collaborators, especially over a coffee!